Dear Senator Rubio,
We write as an informal group of 71 organizations and individuals who are scholars, religious and secular leaders, human rights advocates, and practitioners to express our gratitude for your vote to the reauthorize the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) and to encourage your support for USCIRF during the appropriations process.
We strongly urge you to maintain the current funding for USCIRF at $4.5 million for FY 23 and to come to a bipartisan agreement on the appropriations language process so the commission can effectively continue its designated mission of advancing the freedom of religion or belief internationally.
From our various experiences, we’ve seen the Commission play a vital role as a pillar of U.S. foreign policy infrastructure by reporting on those around the world who suffer for their beliefs, conscience, or religion. Robust reporting products, advocating for prisoners of conscience, and resources such as prisoner lists are essential tools used often by civil society to advance this fundamental human right, which is a foreign policy priority of the United States as defined by Congress in the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998.
Additionally, being heard and respected by an agency of the United States government is invaluable to a person who has been persecuted for their faith. The impact of their story being told and published by the U.S. government encourages them, supports recovery, and inspires their broader community to become even greater advocates for those who are still harmed.
We, the undersigned, thank you for your dedication to upholding these fundamental freedoms and again urge that USCIRF continue to be appropriated $4.5 million in FY 23 to support its vitally important work.
1. 21Wilberforce
2. Advocacy for Justice and Faith in Vietnam
3. American Muslim & Multifaith Women's Empowerment Council
4. Association for the Advancement of Freedom of Religion or Belief in Vietnam - USA 5. Baha'is of the United States
6. Boat People SOS
7. Buddhist Solidarity Association
8. Cao Dai Tay Ninh Temples of Texas
9. CaoDai Today
10. Church of Scientology National Affairs Office
11. Churches for Middle East Peace
12. Con Dau Parishioners Association
13. Congolese Integration Network
14. Coptic Solidarity
15. Decency & Clarity
16. Diaspora Alliance
17. Genocide Watch
18. Global Peace Foundation
19. IJAVN Independent Journalists Association of Vietnam
20. In Defense of Christians
21. International Organisation to Preserve Human Rights
22. IRF Secretariat
23. Jubilee Campaign USA
24. Jurists for Vietnam
25. Leah Foundation
26. Mekong Working Group on Freedom of Religion and Belief (MEFORB) in the Southeast Asian Grassroots Alliance (SAGA)
27. Parity
28. Prayer Pioneers
29. Red Eagle Enterprises
30. Set My People Free
31. Shia Rights Watch
32. Stichting Vietnam Human Rights Foundation
33. Syriac National Council of Syria
34. The Committee to Unite Cao-Dai Disciples
35. The Philos Project
36. The Union for Reform Judaism
37. United Sikhs
38. Vietnamese American Community in the USA
39. Vietnamese Women for Human Rights
40. World Sikh Parliament
1. Anna Sineva, Director of Government Relations & Public Policy, Church of Scientology National Affairs Office
2. Anthony Vance, Director of Public Affairs, Baha'is of the United States 3. Bassam Said Ishak, Syriac National Council of Syria
4. Binh Tran PharmD., President, Antelope Valley Vietnamese Association 5. Camilla P. Lewis, Africa Working Group IRF
6. Dogan Bermek, President / ADO, Alevi Philosophy Center Association 7. Dr. Christine M. Sequenzia MDiv., Oliva International, LLC.
8. Dr. Gloria Samdi Puldu, President, Leah Foundation
9. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Thang, CEO & President, Boat People SOS
10. Dr. Paul Murray, International Vice President, Religious Freedom Initiatives 11. Dr. Tuğba Tanyeri Erdemir
12. Emmanuel Ihim, Executive Director, Diaspora Alliance
13. Floribert Mubalama, Founder and Executive Director, Congolese Integration Network 14. Giaquoc Nguyen, Overseas Coordinator & Representative, IJAVN Independent Journalists Association of Vietnam
15. Hamid Gharagozloo, U.S. Representative, International Organisation to Preserve Human Rights
16. Jasmit Jesse Jaspal Singh, World Sikh Parliament & United Sikhs 17. Kyle Cristofalo, Senior Director of Advocacy and Government Relations, Churches for Middle East Peace
18. Lela GIlbert, Fellow, Hudson Institute
19. Max Wiegel
20. Minh Lê, Advocacy for Justice and Faith in Vietnam
21. Minhdao Le, Vice President of External Affairs, Cao Dai Tay Ninh Temples of Texas 22. Mustafa Akhwand, Shia Rights Watch
23. Nadine Maenza, President, IRF Secretariat
24. Quang Pham, Representative, Association for the Advancement of Freedom of Religion or Belief in Vietnam - USA
25. Rev. Chaplain Victoria Sheahan
26. Rev. Dr. Scott Stearman, U.N. Representative, Baptist World Alliance 27. Rev. Marian Edmonds-Allen, Parity
28. Satoshi Nishihata, Bureau Chief, Happy Science USA Bureau
29. Scott Morgan, President, Red Eagle Enterprises
30. Susan Taylor, Co-Chair, IRF Roundtable Congressional Working Group 31. Thien Nguyen, Buddhist Solidarity Association